Quick Start for Linux

In this quick start we will set up a Netidx resolver server and related tools on your local machine. This configuration is sufficient for doing development of netidx services and for trying out various publishers, subscribers, and tools without much setup.

First Install Rust and Netidx

Install rust via rustup if you haven't already. Ensure cargo is in your and then run,

cargo install netidx-tools

if you are on Max OS you must use,

cargo install --no-default-features netidx-tools

This will build and install the netidx command, which contains all the built in command line tools necessary to run to the resolver server, as well as the publisher/subscriber command line tools

You will need some build dependencies,

  • libclang, necessary for bindgen, on debian/ubuntu sudo apt install libclang-dev
  • gssapi, necessary for kerberos support, on debian/ubuntu sudo apt install libkrb5-dev

Resolver Server Configuration

  "parent": null,
  "children": [],
  "member_servers": [
      "pid_file": "",
      "addr": "",
      "max_connections": 768,
      "hello_timeout": 10,
      "reader_ttl": 60,
      "writer_ttl": 120,
      "auth": {
        "Local": "/tmp/netidx-auth"
  "perms": {
    "/": {
      "wheel": "swlpd",
      "adm": "swlpd",
      "domain users": "sl"

Install the above config in ~/.config/netidx/resolver.json. This is the config for the local resolver on your machine. Make sure port 4564 is free, or change it to a free port of your choosing. If necessary you can change the local auth socket to one of your choosing.

run netidx resolver-server -c ~/.config/netidx/resolver.json. This command will return immediatly, and the resolver server will daemonize. Check that it's running using ps auxwww | grep netidx.

NOTE, the resolver server does not currently support Windows.


If desired you can start the resolver server automatically with systemd.

Description=Netidx Activation

ExecStart=/home/eric/.cargo/bin/netidx resolver-server -c /home/eric/.config/resolver.json -f


Modify this example systemd unit to match your configuration and then install it in ~/.config/systemd/user/netidx.service. Then you can run

systemctl --user enable netidx


systemctl --user start netidx

Client Configuration

        ["", {"Local": "/tmp/netidx-auth"}]
    "base": "/"

Install the above config in ~/.config/netidx/client.json. This is the config all netidx clients (publishers and subscribers) will use to connect to the resolver cluster.

  • On Mac OS replace ~/.config/netidx with ~/Library/Application Support/netidx.
  • On Windows replace ~/.config/netidx with ~\AppData\Roaming\netidx (that's {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}\netidx)

To test the configuration run,

netidx stress -a local publisher -b --delay 1000 1000 10

This will publish 10,000 items following the pattern /bench/$r/$c where $r is a row number and $c is a column number. e.g. /bench/100/8 corresponds to row 100 column 8. The browser will draw this as a table with 1000 rows and 10 columns, however for this test we will use the command line subscriber to look at one cell in the table.

netidx subscriber -a local /bench/0/0

should print out one line like this every second


The final number should increment, and if that works then netidx is set up on your local machine. If it didn't work, try setting the environment variable RUST_LOG=debug and running the stress publisher and the subscriber again.

Optional Netidx Browser

The browser is an optional gui browser for the netidx tree, you need gtk development files installed to build it, on debian/ubuntu add those with

sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev

and then

cargo install netidx-browser