
Activation is a process manager for netidx somewhat like systemd or dbus activation. It's core function is to install a default publisher at configured trigger paths, and then start a process whenever someone tries to subscribe to anything under the trigger path. Publishers for many kinds of services can thus be started on demand, and can shut down when no one is using them. This can save resources, and it can also simplify starting up all the "moving parts" of a complex service.

In fact a convenient way to run netidx on both a server or a workstation is to configure all your netidx applications, including the resolver server, as activation units, and then start the activation server on startup with systemd. There are a number of benefits to this, including, single command start/stop of everything netidx, unified logs, unified setting of environment variables like RUST_LOG, and resource control via cgroups.


Each managed process is configured with a unit file. Unit files are placed in a directory, by default /etc/netidx/activation or ~/.config/netidx/activation. The user specific directory will take prescidence if it exists.

Here is an example activation unit triggered on access to any path under /local/music

  "trigger": {
    "OnAccess": [
  "process": {
    "exe": "/home/eric/.cargo/bin/demoscene",
    "args": [

Many optional fields exist, here is a list of all possible options and their function.

  • trigger: either OnAccess followed by a list of paths, or OnStart.
    • OnAccess will start the process whenever a subscriber tries to subscribe to any path under one of the trigger paths. Once the process starts the activation server will remove the default publisher from the trigger paths. If the unit's process dies, the activation server will readd the default publishers to the trigger paths, but it will only start the process again if a subscriber tries to access one of the trigger paths. So unused services can shut down and will stay shut down until someone wants them.

      It is an error for multiple units to have overlapping triggers.

    • OnStart will start the process when the activation server starts, and if it dies will restart it according to the restart directive of the process config.

  • process: The process config defines what to start, and gives options to control it's environment and how it should be restarted if it stops.
    • exe: The path to the executable to start. This is the only required field of the process config. The specified file must exist and must be executable when the unit is loaded otherwise loading the unit will fail.
    • args: A list of arguments to the executable. default [].
    • working_directory: Path to the directory where the executable will be started. default the working directory of the activation server.
    • uid: The numeric user id to run the process as. default the uid of the activation server.
    • gid: The numeric group id to run the process as. default the gid of the activation server.
    • restart: Yes, No, or RateLimited with an f64 number of seconds delay. Default "RateLimited": 1..
    • stdin: The path to the file, pipe, etc that will be set as the processes stdin. default, inherited from the activation server.
    • stdout: The path to the file, pipe, etc that will be set as the processes stdout. default, inherited from the activation server.
    • stderr: The path to the file, pipe, etc that will be set as the processes stderr. default, inherited from the activation server.
    • environment: either Inherit followed by a list of environment mappings to be overridden or replace followed by the full list of environment mappings. e.g.
      "Inherit": {
        "PATH": "/bin:/usr/bin",
        "TERM": "xterm",


Sending SIGHUP to the running activation server will cause it to reread it's unit directory. This may trigger processes (for example a newly added OnStart process) to start up immediatly. If unit files are removed, their corresponding processes will be stopped upon unit directory reread. If process config properties are changed for an existing unit, any running process will NOT be restarted, however new configuration directives will take effect if the process dies and is triggered. For example if args is changed for a unit that is running, and it later dies and is triggered again it will be started with the new args.

On receiving SIGQUIT, SIGINT, or SIGTERM, the activation server will stop all the processes it is managing before shutting down itself. Managed processes are first sent SIGTERM, but if they don't shut down within 30 seconds they are killed with SIGKILL.


  • -f, --foreground: don't daemonize
  • -a, --auth: auth mechanism. either anonymous, local, or krb5. default krb5.
  • -b, --bind: bind address.
  • -c, --config: path to the netidx client config
  • --pid-file: path to the pid file you want the activation server to write. default no pid file.
  • --spn: the spn of the activation server. only relevant if auth = krb5
  • -u, --units: the path to the directory containing unit files. default /etc/netidx/activation or ~/.config/netidx/activation
  • --upn: the upn to use when connecting to the resolver, only valid if auth = krb5. default the current user.