Link Button

Link Button

The link button draws a clickable hypertext link. It has 3 bscript properties,

  • Label: the text of the link

  • URI: The URI of the link.

  • On Activate Link: This event handler will be triggered when the link is clicked. The event() function will yield the uri. If the handler expression yields true, then the uri will be considered handled and no further action will happen. If the handler expression doesn't yield true, then the uri will be handled by the system.

    An https uri should open the requested page in the default browser, a file uri should open the specified location in the file manager. etc. Any uri the system knows how to handle should work.


      confirm("navigate to: ", event()), 
      sample(event(), true)

    Ask the user if they want to navigate to the uri. If they say no, confirm won't update, and sample will update with true, so any will update with true, and the click event will be marked as fully handled. If they say yes, then confirm will update with the uri any will update with the uri, which isn't true, so the system handler will be invoked.

Link Button Editor