

The image widget allows displaying an image in the browser. The image has two bscript properties.


(<icon-name> | icon-spec | <image-bytes> | image-spec)

icon-spec: [<icon-name>, icon-size]

icon-size: ("menu" | "small-toolbar" | "large-toolbar" | "dnd" | "dialog")

image-spec: [
   ["image", <image-bytes>],
     required, the image bytes.

   ["width", <desired-width>],
     optional, if specified the image will be scaled to the
     specified width. If keep-aspect is true then the height
     will also be scaled to keep the image's aspect ratio even
     if height is not specified.

   ["height", <desired-height>],
     optional, if specifed the image will be scaled to the
     specified height. If keep-aspect is true then the width
     will also be scaled to keep the image's aspect ratio even
     if width is not specified.

   ["keep-aspect", (true | false)]
     optional, keep the aspect ratio of the image.
  • : A string naming the stock icon from the current theme that should be displayed. The default size is "small-toolbar".
  • icon-spec: A pair specifying the icon name and the icon size.
  • icon-size: The size of the icon
  • <image-bytes>: A bytes value containing the image in any format supported by gdk_pixbuf.
  • image-spec: an alist containing the image bytes in any format supported by gdk_pixbuf and some metadata.



Display the icon from the standard icon set.


Display the png data, literally the raw bytes copied into netidx directly from the file.

On Click

This event handler is triggered when the user clicks on the image. event() will yield null when that happens.

image editor