What is Netidx

Netidx is middleware that enables publishing a value, like 42, in one program and consuming it in another program, either on the same machine or across the network.

Values are given globally unique names in a hierarchical namespace. For example our published 42 might be named /the-ultimate-answer (normally we wouldn't put values directly under the root, but in this case it's appropriate). Any other program on the network can refer to 42 by that name, and will receive updates in the (unlikely) event that /the-ultimate-answer changes.

Comparison With Other Systems

  • Like LDAP

    • Netidx keeps track of a hierarchical directory of values
    • Netidx is browsable and queryable to some extent
    • Netidx supports authentication, authorization, and encryption
    • Netidx values can be written as well as read.
    • Larger Netidx systems can be constructed by adding referrals between smaller systems. Resolver server clusters may have parents and children.
  • Unlike LDAP

    • In Netidx the resolver server (like slapd) only keeps the location of the publisher that has the data, not the data iself.
    • There are no 'entries', 'attributes', 'ldif records', etc. Every name in the system is either structural, or a single value. Entry like structure is created using hierarchy. As a result there is also no schema checking.
    • One can subscribe to a value, and will then be notified immediatly if it changes.
    • There are no global filters on data, e.g. you can't query for (&(cn=bob)(uid=foo)), because netidx isn't a database. Whether and what query mechanisms exist are up to the publishers. You can, however, query the structure, e.g. /foo/**/bar would return any path under foo that ends in bar.
  • Like MQTT

    • Netidx values are publish/subscribe
    • A single Netidx value may have multiple subscribers
    • All Netidx subscribers receive an update when a value they are subscribed to changes.
    • Netidx Message delivery is reliable and ordered.
  • Unlike MQTT

    • In Netidx there is no centralized message broker. Messages flow directly over TCP from the publishers to the subscribers. The resolver server only stores the address of the publisher/s publishing a value.

The Namespace

Netidx values are published to a hierarchical tuple space. The structure of the names look just like a filename, e.g.


Is an example name. Unlike a file name, a netidx name may point to a value, and also have children. So keeping the file analogy, it can be both a file and a directory. For example we might have,


Where the .../battery_sense_voltage is the number in volts, and it's 'millivolts' child gives the same number in millivolts.

Sometimes a name like battery_sense_voltage is published deep in the hierarchy and it's parents are just structure. Unlike the file system the resolver server will create and delete those structural containers automatically, there is no need to manually manage them.

When a client wants to subscribe to a published value, it queries the resolver server cluster, and is given the addresses of all the publishers that publish the value. Multiple publishers can publish the same value, and the client will try all of them in a random order until it finds one that works. All the actual data flows from publishers to subscribers directly without ever going through any kind of centralized infrastructure.

The Data Format

In Netidx the data that is published is called a value. Values are mostly primitive types, consisting of numbers, strings, durations, timestamps, packed byte arrays, and arrays of values. Arrays of values can be nested.

Byte arrays and strings are zero copy decoded, so they can be a building block for sending other encoded data efficiently.

Published values have some other properties as well,

  • Every non structural name points to a value
  • Every new subscription immediately delivers it's most recent value
  • When a value is updated, every subscriber receives the new value
  • Updates arrive reliably and in the order the publisher made them (like a TCP stream)


Netidx currently supports three authentication mechanisms, Kerberos v5, Local, and Tls. Local applies only on the same machine (and isn't supported on Windows), while many organizations already have Kerberos v5 deployed in the form of Microsoft Active Directory, Samba ADS, Redhat Directory Server, or one of the many other compatible solutions. Tls requires each participant in netidx (resolver server, subscriber, publisher) to have a certificate issued by a certificate authority that the others it wants to interact with trust.

Security is optional in netidx, it's possible to deploy a netidx system with no security at all, or it's possible to deploy a mixed system where only some publishers require security, with some restrictions.

  • If a subscriber is configured with security, then it won't talk to publishers that aren't.
  • If a publisher is configured with security, then it won't talk to a subscriber that isn't.

When security is enabled, regardless of which of the three mechanisms you get the following guarantees,

  • Mutual Authentication, the publisher knows the subscriber is who they claim to be, and the subscriber knows the publisher is who they claim to be. This applies for the resolver <-> subscriber, and resolver <-> publisher as well.

  • Confidentiality and Tamper detection, all messages are encrypted if they will leave the local machine, and data cannot be altered undetected by a man in the middle.

  • Authorization, The user subscribing to a given data value is authorized to do so. The resolver servers maintain a permissions database specifying who is allowed to do what where in the tree. Thus the system administrator can centrally control who is allowed to publish and subscribe where.

Cross Platform

While netidx is primarily developed on Linux, it has been tested on Windows, and Mac OS.


Netidx has been designed to support single namespaces that are pretty large. This is done by allowing delegation of subtrees to different resolver clusters, which can be done to an existing system without disturbing running publishers or subscribers. Resolver clusters themselves can also have a number of replicas, with read load split between them, further augmenting scaling.

At the publisher level, multiple publishers may publish the same name. When a client subscribes it will randomly pick one of them. This property can be used to balance load on an application, so long as the publishers syncronize with each other.